PHD in pathology

University of New York

Jessica Miller


Providing Highest Standard of Clinical

Laboratory Service Laboratory Service

We have world class pathologists & Lab assistants. We are equipped with best laboratory machinery & reagents. We ensure best quality findings.

400 +
Patients Served
0 M+
Reports Delivered
0 +
Expert Specialists
Promising Best Quality Services

Our amazing Services

We have world class pathologists & Lab assistants. We are equipped with best laboratory machinery & reagents. We ensure best quality findings.

Versatile Laboratory Service Provider

Patholab Provides the best laboratory experience

Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life, like discovering.

25 Years of Experience

Your full service lab for clinical trials. Our mission is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings.

World class Laboratory support

The million patients we treat each year prepares us to treat the one who matt most — you Development.
Promising Best Quality Services

Our Premium Care Packages

As a Investment firm our main goal is to provide best services to our customers & create best ideas to help grow our clients.

Get Your required laboratory Service

Book Your Appointment

    Reasons that make us the best

    Why Choose Patholab

    We have world class pathologists & Lab assistants. We are equipped with best laboratory machinery & reagents. We ensure best quality findings.

    General Diagnostic Testing

    We are a leading diagnostic service provider. We are team of dedicated professionals...

    General Diagnostic Testing

    We are a leading diagnostic service provider. We are team of dedicated professionals...

    Allergy & Sensitivity Testing

    At Patholab Laboratory, we are committed to providing you with a hassle-free and seamless...

    Allergy & Sensitivity Testing

    At Patholab Laboratory, we are committed to providing you with a hassle-free and seamless...

    Clinical Histopatology Tests

    Patholab Laboratory is equipped with best world class machinery & reagents for molecular...

    Clinical Histopatology Tests

    Patholab Laboratory is equipped with best world class machinery & reagents for molecular...

    Hormone Insights Testing

    We are a leading diagnostic service provider. We are team of dedicated professionals...

    Hormone Insights Testing

    We are a leading diagnostic service provider. We are team of dedicated professionals...

    Clinical Microbiology Tests

    Patholab Laboratory is a Full-Service Clinical Lab with instrumentation and clinical laboratory...

    Clinical Microbiology Tests

    Patholab Laboratory is a Full-Service Clinical Lab with instrumentation and clinical laboratory...

    Specialized Genetic Testing

    Our staff of trained Phlebotomists are experienced in performing blood draws...

    Specialized Genetic Testing

    Our staff of trained Phlebotomists are experienced in performing blood draws...
    Learn How We maintain our Lab

    Patholab Provides the best laboratory experience

    Patholab is the best diagnostic lab in the city. The reasons to be best in what we do is the process of maintain the laboratory with international standards. Safety & security measures are highly maintained.

    Specialized Health Checkup Packages

    Full Body Health Check-Up Packages

    Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual & provides report about detoxification. Hormone Insight can be useful at the Various stages of life

    Complete Care General

    Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual
    $199 / PER PERSON
    • Series Blood Tests
    • Abdomen Ultrasound
    • Lipid Profile
    • Bone Health Check
    *The charges are subject to change according to special situation

    Complete Care Premium

    Patholab’s Complete Care Geno identify DNA variant specific to an individual
    $399 / PER PERSON
    • Series Blood Tests
    • Abdomen Ultrasound
    • Lipid Profile
    • Bone Health Check
    *The charges are subject to change according to special situation
    Specialized Health Checkup Packages

    Our Latest Research

    We have world class pathologists & Lab assistants. We are equipped with best laboratory machinery & reagents. We ensure best quality findings.

    Texas Brunch

    Our Address
    183 Marina Avenue, Miami Central Mall United State of America
    Opening Hour
    Mon - Sat 8.00-18.00 Sunday - Closed


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